Got no time for juicing? Suja to the rescue.

I’m a big fan of green juices in the morning, but I don’t have the time to actually juice vegetables each day nor any interest to be totally frank. I’ll caveat this by saying eating fresh is always better (so if you do have time and interest in juicing, you definitely should) but sometimes you have to make cuts where you can and this, juicing, is where I cut.

The reason I can cut is because of Suja - I don’t have to sacrifice my celery juice just because I don’t have time to make it. They have this big carton of celery juice that I’ll buy and drink for the week. No preservatives, no added sugar - and it tastes good!


Give it a try! I recommend drinking it first thing on an empty stomach.


New Matcha alert: Baahtcha


Scallop pasta with all the veggies